In a movement such as feminism, much like other ideas are originally put into the publics eye through protest for rights. (See images below)
These images are a mixture of feminist protests including first wave feminism including the suffragettes in the 19th and 20th Century.
'The most famous act associated with the Suffragettes was at the June 1913 Derby when Emily Wilding Davison threw herself under the King’s horse, Anmer, as it rounded Tattenham Corner. She was killed and the Suffragettes had their first martyr.'
Types of feminism:
Within this article it discusses how feminism from the past is far different from now and this is something to consider when designing the book for Caitlin Moran, for instance using the iconic purple sash colours would not be suitable for a modern and brash feminist.
Feminism on youtube/ social media: (Laci green)
One of many you tubers online, the introduction of social media means that anyone can express their opinions and values quite powerfully. As a tool this can be shared online by a large amount of people, in turn meaning that people's opinions and ideas can be shared. Laci as an example of feminism talks through specific issues young people face and gives a voice to those struggling.
Articles about famous feminists:
Guerrilla Girls
I visited the V&A last year to see the Disobedient objects exhibition which can be seen here
The Guerrilla Girls were and are extremely famous for their protests and feminist posters and campaigns, they are mainly linked to women and art as seen in one of the posters above they use shock tactics and bright colours in large display to show their opinions.
Elle magazine along with Mother London created this campaign to explore what modern feminism is. This has links to the book cover for penguin and also Caitlin Moran because she is a feminist in current current popular culture. Attitudes are constantly changing with opinions on what is feminine or masculine, the poster above plays on this by using pink as this is something considered 'feminine' however they are using pink to portray that stereotypes are necessarily true.
Again, similar to the above post graphic design and feminism are closely link and a variety of studios create campaigns to fight for gender equality. I have noticed from campaigns like this that bright colours symbolise the need to 'shout' particular messages.
Kim Cowie created a small newspaper which included various information about what feminism is and generally a friendly and approachable way of showing information about issues relating to gender. This is because a large amount of feminist campaigns can be quite intense and may perhaps appear to be angry or aggressive when in actual fact it is just simply because they want their opinions to be heard. In terms of graphic design this newspaper is a beautiful representation of information made easy to digest.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie- We should all be feminists
'We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller.
We say to girls: You can have ambition, but not too much. You should aim to be successful but not too successful, otherwise you will threaten the man. If you are the breadwinner in your relationship with a man, pretend that you are not, especially in public, otherwise you will emasculate him.'
From not only looking at already existing graphic design, but the ideas behind feminist, as Caitlin Moran is a writer she embodies ideas about feminism and gender. Other writers also quite strongly write about gender and how children are raised on these separate gender ideologies. Chimamanda in particular is famous for her speech about what feminism is and gender. In the same way Caitlin discussing the issues for girls growing up, Chimamanda also discusses these same issues. Within my design it should portray this strong idea of feminism as it is an idea and concept, therefore this strong and positivity should be portrayed through colour and type but overall is needs to break the conventions of books sold to women, therefore I need to research in detail the typical conventions of books for women.