Wednesday, 3 February 2016

OUGD603: Brief 2- Logo experimentation

As Flora is a florist, felinity tends to be something that they express so therefore I started with looking at how nature could be represented through script or handwritten type. 


However, they don't suit the simple, modern clean look that Flora as a brand are aiming for. Therefore I looked at serif and sans serif type (see below).  

The two examples above show modern elements through the firs having quite high letterforms, and the second through letterforms being extremely circular, however the brand could be shown to clean and simple without these extremely modern typefaces. Within examples of luxury brands, the logos were mainly plain and simple and not complicated, this is something to consider within Flora. 

This specific example of type I like because the height of the LORA is lower than the F, this layout I want to bring forward by using a serif typeface as it would make the brand appear to be more stylish and classy looking in a traditional manner. 

From the example above I will take forward the use of the change in x height. Below are some samples of serif and elegant typefaces. 

These examples above are exactly the style which I would want for Flora. However instead of using italics, I believe a strong looking serif font in capitals would make the brand stand out especially with some tracking. This is because a large amount of florist companies tend to use script fonts and appear feminine, this brand wants to stand out and therefore the type should also do this. 

Here are some experimentation with serif letterforms:

As you can see, within these experiments I have looked at subtle changes which can be made such as the tracking/ kerning between letters, but also changing the size of the letters so that even in capitals the F is much larger. The increased tracking of letterforms is often seen within luxury brands and shows clarity/ refinement. 

Images/ icons:

Within the brief it states to experiment with an icon which could work alongside the type, I believe a simple icon of a flower would be most suitable as to distinctly show the brand. After asking for some feedback from family members and friends who often buy flowers they suggested that the sunflower be used as roses are extremely common. 

This is the logo I have created so far and this is something I will get some peer feedback on for how to move forward in terms of design and implication of brand such as colour combinations and other typographical elements. 

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