Monday, 3 February 2014

OUGD404: Questions (Final Task)

We were asked to bring a variety of different questions in as a group:

5 questions about type design:
Why was Gill Sans created?
Which font is used in New York Subways?
What forms of serif are there?
What font is used on the road signs in the UK? 
What are the different types/aspects to a font family?

5 questions about readability and legibility
How does the x height affect how type is read?
What classification of font(s) do you think are most readable in body copy?
How does the size of the type and distance away affect how it is read?
Why are road signs in both lower and uppercase?
What is the most readable point size (print/body copy)?

5 questions about colour.
Which colours are most commonly affected by colour blindness?
How are colours seen physiologically- (what is blue associated with)?
How many colour receptors do Mantis shrimp have?
Why is CMYK so restricting?
What other inks can be used instead?

After viewing these we decided on 10 questions that would benefit us entirely to create content for the new brief. "What is a book"

My questions given to research were number 8 and 10:

What are the basic structures of spectral pigment colour theory and how does this apply to print and screen design? (what is RGB and CMYK)

In commercial printing where do pigments for each ink come from and how do we ensure they are the same? 

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