Tuesday, 25 February 2014

OUGD406: Brief 2: Become an expert in…

After my previous post as a group we discussed a whole range of possibilities in how we could complete this brief whether it be online (creation of a website) or through an exhibition. After discussing the limitations of only having a week being able to code a website in such a short space of time is more or less impossible. So therefore we decided that to express "how to become an expert in … origami" we would use an exhibition as our main resolution. To complete this exhibition it will require for people to become involved quite physically (making origami) for the brief to become viral. 

Considerations/ what will be needed?

Packs: Which will include paper to create origami (square ratio), instructions on how to enter work and also a few examples of simple origami these will be contained within an envelope. The front of the envelope will include the logo printed onto it but also the number of which pack it is. 

With our initial ideas Aimee tried and tested the format of fitting the instructions onto one A3, although as seen here there is far too much information in one area so we will consider using an A5 sheet to print the instructions. 

She brought this poster design in as a mock up as as a group we agreed that the cut out origami worked incredibly well because it links to the idea of paper craft which is also inspired by looking at Rob Ryan's work.

From deciding that this was a good idea we began working on creating some vector designs for crane, flapping bird, swan and dove. 

Printing costs: A large amount of copies will need to be created and therefore prints need to be black and white or photocopies to keep the cost to 2p per A4 sheet or less. 
Exhibition: Ask Health & Safety officer about the considerations and possibilities of being able to hang the origami exhibition suspended in the air. Email: 
Social Networking: This will need a creation of a logo. As a group we decided that the project will be called "folded". We will use formats such as twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr to further push this exhibition idea so therefore our project could lead to a longer running campaign to get people to involved with origami. 
Poster: To promote the exhibition and encourage people to get involved (around college) this will also link with a drop in box in the student's union. 

My tasks: Find out about health and safety, create some of the vectors for instructions.

Health and Safety- Exhibition space

I began to speak to the officer about our ideas for an exhibition to take place within the Graphic Design department and he expressed his main concerns being about the intruder alarms at night. Although this was resolved as we will only put the work up for one day in the corridor. The paper will not affect or be a fire risk because they will be hung from the top floor's balcony and not the second floor. They will also not be in people's way because they are in the air over a balcony rather than in the corridor itself. 
Materials needed: Strong string to put across the balcony, fish wire to attach the origami paper. 

Need to complete a "Risk Assessment" and also a "Method Statement", however to complete these I will need help from the group to measure out the exact length of the fish wire and how this will hang along with trying to see how the string will work. 

Photographs of area:

Floor 2 (top floor)

View from the balcony (where the origami will hang)

Large amount of space and will not interfere with the lights or intruder alarms as it is being set up during the day.

View from the Graphic Design studio corridor (floor 1)

Drawings: (rough sketches)

Basic Plan

How will the string be attached?

How will it look?

Origami will be attached with fish wire:

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