From the initial presentation:
These posters follow a particular style due to the limitations of the time. They are one colour screen prints created by art students to protest. The informal and almost child like quality to them enhances their purpose and contributes to the students feelings/thoughts/reasons for protesting. These one colour screen prints can also be created quite cheaply and quickly therefore being cost effective for the creators. Therefore the medium matches the message because the bright colours and slogan messages are eye-catching and would stand out within a protest to capture attention and attempt to change opinions. The style of using bright colours and slogans are still used today because they are effective and bold.
There were a few posters within the presentation based upon health that were quite shocking as they seem to use this tactic to capture attention on bus stops/billboards or within a doctors surgery. Black and white is also used often within health campaigns because it highlights a serious issue. These posters also use negative space to frame the important elements and this makes the person view the poster. Often these posters can be seen quite close up therefore there is usually a small amount of text to read as an educational tool.
Even though this campaign has a theme based upon politics it is extremely subtle in its approach which therefore allows the information to appear more friendly and less invasive to someones personal space as posters who state shocking statistics and images. The smaller books allow for someone to read the information and educate themselves in a quieter fashion than a bombardment of facts and bold lettering which is something I need to consider in my own project, perhaps it wouldn't be suitable to use a bold advertising campaign and another medium would be suitable?
Environmental issues is not something I want to focus on for my project but I have included this image due to its connections between medium and message. This "Every lead traps CO2" campaign uses actual leaves within its imagery and therefore makes it appear realistic. The campaign is connected to planting trees and reducing our impact on the environment and the concept works perfectly along with its message as they are intertwined.
This example is from when I was initially looking at environmental issues. This guide based on decline in bee populations is interesting because the products are educational and also connected to the issue. This includes using seeds and honey plus a publication with information. I have previously looked at animal related issues in OUGD504 so I want to focus on something which is a little different this time.
These posters which have an emphasis on positivity within down syndrome have an incredibly good concept due to their target audience being parents. Disability awareness is something I have always been interested in as it a change of opinion and perceptions in this case it is with parents. As in statistics many unborn babies are terminated due to the possibility of down syndrome. I recently also found a video which supports this point of view in changing the opinion of parents to support their child despite them having a disability.
"A mom-to-be learned the baby she was carrying had Down syndrome. So she asked a significant question to a Down syndrome advocacy group, and they answered her with this beautiful video where 15 people shared their wisdom."
The email was "I'm expecting a baby... Ive discovered he has down syndrome. I'm scared: what kind of life will my child have?"
"today we reply to her like this"
'Dear future mum, don't be afraid your child will be able to do many things. He'll be able to hug you. He'll be able to run towards you. He'll be able to speak and tell you he loves you. He'll be able to go to school, like everybody. He'll be able to learn to write. And he'll be able to write to you, if someday he is far away. Because, indeed he'll be able to travel too. He'll be able to help his father fix his bicycle. He'll be able to work and earn his money. And with that money he'll be able to invite you out for dinner. Or rent an apartment and go living alone. Sometimes it will be difficult. Very difficult. Almost impossible. But isn't it like that for all mothers? Dear future mum, your child can be happy. Just like I am. And you'll be happy too. Right mum?'
'People with Down syndrome can live a happy life. Together we can make it possible.'
'The best part? Everyone in this video has Down syndrome. And they focus on the good things — reminding people, especially parents who might be worried about what the journey of parenting a child with Down syndrome will be like, that people who have Down syndrome can do all the important things that any parent values. They can go to school, travel, work, make friends, and express their love for their parents, friends, and family. They're honest about the fact that it can be hard—but isn't parenting always hard?'
This advertising campaign for a down syndrome charity is incredibly moving and appeals to its target audience because it talks about a mothers fears and generally the relationships between mother and child. Disability is often looked down upon as something negative however this video is incredibly positive in both is visual queues such as a warm filter and yellow/orange tones which in western culture is seen as happiness. This also shows another example of where a large amount of information can be put into another medium rather than just simply a set of posters, it is effective because it allows you to feel emotion and therefore makes the cause successful.
This particular graduate project I found fascinating because of the subject matter. This poster set again focuses on the idea of myths and changing perceptions on a particular subject, in this case depression. The simplicity of the information on a larger poster allows for the work to be read easily rather than in a book. Linked to my own interests it could be interesting to look at a topic which links to health and perhaps something connected to the brain and hidden disorders as they are more complex and not easily understood.
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