Wednesday 7 October 2015

OUGD603: Brief 1

Within the brief based on Autism last year I realised that I enjoy creating artwork which is directed towards parents. Therefore the tone of voice is incredibly similar within this brief. 

However this store is based in Canada so therefore it will be slightly different to the UK.

I have found from looking already existing Canadian baby clothing websites they are somewhat similar to the UK as they tend to use gender neutral colours. In my own designs I want to avoid using pinks and blues as this is quite over done and stereotypical. In Canada they speak both french and english so I felt for it to be worthwhile to have a look at some of the french stores and perhaps designer/ boutiques. 

All the stores although different have some distinctive qualities in their branding. 

The use of font and imagery within design for parents is quite soft in appearance and simple. The logo type isn't too complex and this simplicity makes the store much classier than some other examples I have seen. 

See below

Therefore the design I create needs to be simplistic, resizable, and most importantly readable/ legible. 

Fonts that seem to work best are those which are softer and more flowing, but I think experimenting with different forms of type would be more beneficial. However to start with I know I want to create type which has softened letterforms instead of a sharp sans serif or even serif. 

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