Tuesday, 27 January 2015

OUGD503: Responsive J20

Changing the logo: (orange and passion fruit)

I initially thought about using stripes of the colours within the drink or bubbles (circles):

Stripes/ colours extracted from the drawings. This shows how the fruits blend together through colours:

Although this is far too busy so I will try the idea with dots/bubbles:

Although these don't necessarily work extremely well I like the gradient and will take this idea further to experiment due to the idea of "blended fruits".

I tried a gradient behind the j20 although this doesn't seem to work and the logo itself also needs to be refined in its shape as the proportions of the 0 are not quite correct. 

Correcting the proportions:

I used the darker purple from the passion fruit as the outline because it is a different colour. The colour of the drink itself is a yellow/orange/red tone so therefore I used a different colour to outline the J20. 

Again I have matched this label with the other in adding the black and textured background. The green 2 is to based upon the need for green to be used within the packaging as stated on the brief. 

The colour of the drink itself is an orange/yellow tone so therefore I used the idea of the gradient to fill the J20 as though it was the bottle. 

I also did the same for the apple and mango: 

Although the apple and mango design I didn't use a green 2 as this wouldn't stand out from the other colours. Using white definitely works better as it allows for the number to stand out, which works with the reasons for using black too. Red is outlined as it is taken from the mango's outside colouring. As both apple and mango include yellow and green tones it wouldn't be necessary to also use green within the 2 and could be overbearing. 

The four packs:

I started of with the black and textured background for the pack as well as inverting the stats to black and white. I also added a purple outline to the logo on the four pack so it could be seen among the background. I began making a fixed pattern/ repeat wallpaper style which I could use across the four pack:

However I found because the pattern is quite rigid that it was difficult to allow for the curves of the logo. Therefore I experimented with the placement and found that using the fruit in a bigger proportion and with larger gaps allowed for the four pack to look less 'busy'.

Which seemed to work much better and I am quite happy with the pattern of this artwork. I printed the outlines off to check the proportion of the fruit and it is visible but also small enough to not overshadow the logo and the names of the fruit which is the most important information. 

To follow along with the logo and the use of the orange and red gradient I used this along the back of the pack too. The current packaging has a quote on the back:

Four pack of the Apple & Mango:

To keep the consistency between the two packs I replaced each of the fruits from the first design into the second one from the illustrations I created. 

I also continued with the gradient on the back of the pack which also follows the same pattern as the J20 logo on the front. 

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