Monday, 18 May 2015

OUGD505: Brief 2- Development of type

Typography choices:

From the previous examples for inspiration based on older greek and letterpress books I looked at a range of different fonts, the ones that were more successful were garamond/baskerville because they look quite traditional. As the book is incredibly old I want this to be a feature within the cover and therefore should have some form of traditional and older elements to its design. Of course Aristotle's works are written in Latin and from looking at older typography this is still used and carved into grave stones for example. Another form of older type in books is through using a press, the ink is often not fully applied onto the page so therefore it leaves a texture like my illustration. 

Below are some examples of lead letterpress type I described previously:

The bottom front on the samples at the top of this blog post would therefore be most suiting because it is traditional in its serif form but it also works well alongside my illustration due to elements of it not being fully formed- it has texture and therefore portrays  the age of the book I am making a cover for. To match the illustration I created I chose to make the typography red much like the titles of the older books I looked at. 

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