Monday, 2 May 2016

OUGD603: Brief 3- Penguin Shortlisted!

The design submitted to Penguin initially: 

The feedback from creative director: 


A confident design which gets across Caitlin's personality well. I like the way my eye is drawn to the title.

• Could the author name, quotes and Galaxy Book Award line be more considered? At present, they look like a bit of an afterthought. Perhaps using alternative fonts and sizes might help. With this in mind, the back cover also needs to work harder.

• Does the illustration make the most of the space on the page?

• We like the green but wondered if other colours were explored? Does it feel a bit flat?


From receiving the feedback after submission and having a discussion with Danny about how to move forward with the design for the resubmission it was clear to me what needed changing as the design was submitted quite a few months ago allowing space from it makes decisions more directional and progressive. 

With Danny we discussed the type hierarchy that needs some work, to make the authors name larger and change the quotes on the front and back to a simple sans serif font. This would allow the important elements of the design to stand out. We also discussed the use of a really subtle texture which meant I had a look at several GF smith textured papers for ideas, this would ensure that it wouldn't draw away from the design. 


It was suggested that I explore other colour ways- I initially got my idea from the green in Caitlin's eyeshadow, so from the same viewpoint I looked further at photographs of her to pick up visually what colours would work for her personality. 

From these colour selections I made changes to the typography on the cover to see what would work with the new colours. I have also enlarged the dress and title on the cover as suggested and I feel as though this now uses more of the cover space. 

From asking for critique and advice, what I feel would resemble a bold colour palette and Caitlin's personality would be the yellow however the pink was also well received as a strong colour. Perhaps instead of one spot colour it could work with the type being a highlight in yellow. 

The design on the right is a flat colour. Whereas the one on the left has a slight texture which can be seen on the close up below. I feel as though the slight texture allows for the flat black to stand out more as an enhanced title. The texture used is one of horizontal lines and is representative of wallpaper patterns, therefore further enhancing the idea of a bedroom setting. 

The final cover, spine and back: 

From the original design I submitted to the slight changes I have made for the resubmission and I pleased with the rework I have completed in a short amount of time. The feedback given was extremely helpful as it has allowed me to edit my work and try to understand how they see design from a marketing perspective. It has also enabled me to further develop the back cover where I have used bold on elements of type which can catch the eye such as the vote, witches and the pill. I also used yellow to highlight parts on the back cover which makes the front, spine and back work together as a cohesive set. 

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