Sunday, 22 May 2016

OUGD603: Brief 9

I thoroughly enjoyed creating new packaging designs for SUNDAY candles. Natasha was brilliant to collaborate with as she was very clear what she wanted to achieve with her company. She was also open to my new ideas. Even though I developed the first idea including illustrations this wasn’t the most successful design. From developing the final idea this meant that Natasha was able to understand my vision for how the brand could push forward with the concept of a pattern inspired by a flickering candle flame.

 Working collaboratively was a completely different experience as I normally work alone. Considering the other person’s thoughts and ideas makes the project more interesting and realistic as this is how I will be working once I leave university. Visually I am proud of the outcomes I have created for this new branding and packaging and I believe that if Natasha prints these items for her small start up company that it will stand out more in the store than the original brown paper and white card.

Being able to communicate and create a design I am proud of for my portfolio was a great experience. I have attempted various collaborative briefs within this module and this has been the only successful brief because Natasha was dedicated and focused on improving her packaging to sell more goods online and in store.

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