From the previous post I have moved forward this logo and begun to look at ways to enhance the background to create a more dynamic and interesting sticker wrap.
I started off with the initial idea of using a chilli in a pattern:
However from looking at my initial sketches I thought it would be interesting to see how using various ingredients would work on the packaging. Therefore I researched the main ingredients of the chilli sauce which can work across the three designs.
These include:
Peppers, tomatoes, onions, garlic & chilli.
I created some simple vector graphics of the ingredients by looking at various photographs of the products.
I created these as outlines so that they wouldn't take over the design and work as a background image rather than being the main focus. In terms of hierarchy on the packaging the logo and name of the product needs to stand out the most.
From experimenting with the layout of the illustrations I gained feedback that this design suits the brand much better as the illustrations give a 'fun' appearance. As the logo on the packaging is quite angular I chose to design angular banner understand to create consistency and balance within the design. Again I also added a texture to these banners to ensure that the design wasn't too clean cut. I also edited the opacity of the illustrations to ensure that the logo and name of the sauce were the centre of attention as they are the most important.
For the final design I edited the front of the packaging so that it would fit the correct bottle size. The actual bottle is much taller and slender therefore the composition and size of the illustrations were made much smaller. The illustration itself I created as a repeat pattern which would work as a complete sticker wrap around the bottles.
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