Typography I had looked at represented the idea of space and how spaces can be occupied. I have researched into the idea of letters taking up more space through being three dimensional rather than 2D, adding textures to letters and extending those textures to the outside of the letter. I have also looked at the idea of the letters taking up very little space and becoming its most simplistic form. Space can also be filled by pattern which is shown above in an image of two of the three versions of the “peano curve” which was designed by Giuseppe Peano and in mathematics is considered a never-ending curve pattern, therefore fulfilling the idea of occupying space.
These designs contain alterations of adding the curved pattern (maths) to a letterform including with and without an outline, as well as a change in the width of the leg on the letter A, however I don't feel this represents occupation clearly- critique confirmed this because they stated it was simply just a pattern.
Within these designs I experimented with the idea of three dimensions and also taking up space, the bottom letter contains three singular thin lines which could also be developed into a font which expresses occupying minimal space. The idea of three dimensions could work extremely well, so I will further develop this idea.
Further designs included looking at the idea of the military occupation and including symbolism within the letterforms including barbed wire (from photographs seen on the design board), camouflage within the letter to continue this theme as well as grid patterns and shapes. However I felt that this idea was not subtle enough to work as a font and needed development to become successful.
Through holding a critique with the class my doubts were made clear as they agreed with my own opinion that looking at several definitions of occupation was far too complex and unnecessary. Some of the critique included; simplifying the brief to look at ten ways in which space is used/ can be used, create mock ups of ideas including using the space of one letter to add another, changing the angle of the letterform and further developing the idea of three dimensions. By further questioning students they also contributed their own ideas on what they thought space meant and they said that some individuals like clean and minimalistic space and others are rather "messy" and like to be unordered, they also added that I should experiment with the idea of gradients and rendering to create thick/thin lines as well as space which is full and empty.
From looking at further research into typography in relation to "occupation" of space/shape I have begun to experiment with the ideas I had listed previously. Such as three dimensions, thick and thin lines (weight), removing parts of letters and also the ideas of textures.
On this sheet experimented with the idea of line weight and changed several areas of the letterform, such as filling in the leg, increasing the width of the crossbar but also experimenting with making some of the legs thinner, I found that the top left image worked best so I will make this my final A.
After creating this letterform from experimenting with the idea of removing sections of letters I found that from asking fellow students, I could further simply this letterform by keeping only four simple shapes however the letter is still legible. (see below progress)
After experimenting with the idea of pattern I found that I preferred removing parts of the letter to create patterns without an outline. I felt that this C worked best out of the previous designs I had experimented with and that it did fulfil the idea of occupying space. This idea originated from looking at light and silhouettes in my research.
On the letter D I experimented with the idea of three dimensions and focused on angles as well as size. I felt that this shape seemed to work best in a 10x10 format however, to further fulfil the idea of occupying space I decided to afterwards redraw this letterform and not fill in the front of the letter. This was to make the letterform seem transparent and represent the idea of buildings taking up space.
These designs were based on an idea I was given at my interim critique to show how letters can occupy the space of other letters. I experimented with various compositions including layering as well as filling the letter with vast amounts of smaller versions of the next/previous letter. However I found that the F being inside the E and shading the alternate letters worked well as the amount of shadow indicates whether it is an E or F (F above, E below). However I do realise that as a font, this would probably not work due to the shapes of the letterforms and trying to fit them into others.
Much like the A at the beginning of my ten letterforms, I experimented with the idea of line weight and how letterforms can fill space. I liked the shape of the particular letterform shown above, however I found that it would look better filled in as a form of development. The simplicity of the letterform also adapts futura's "personality" as a font due to the thin line weight.
After my interim critique I asked several members of the class what their thoughts on "occupation of space" meant and they mentioned the idea that spaces can be clean or messy (in relation to people) and as I have been working with a minimalistic design I decided to experiment with ink (as ink and water doesn't mix and creates textured patterns with fine liner). I found that I liked this design due to the concept however as a font formed on the computer this would not be suitable as it is hand rendered. To develop this ideas as a font I think it would work well through using other media such as mono prints.
On this letterform I developed my idea from experimenting with three dimensions in the letterform D. On this letterform I experimented with the idea of taking part of the letter out but with the added element of it being three dimensional. I found that this letterform worked best when rendered with pencil as it shows the sides and break point within the letter. This fulfils the idea of occupying space because of its large three dimensional element, however it also has part taken away.
In my last letter form J I experimented more with the idea of line weight and added similar textures to it which are formed on the H however in fine liner rather than ink.
These are my ten letterforms hand rendered before being scanned in to the computer to be printed and presented.
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