"A project rationale should outline the problem and justify why a project should take place. As you are producing a campaign for your own website it is vital that you outline the requirements of the project just as a client would.
Write a project rationale for your campaign outlining all the necessary requirements and restrictions. This should be written formally but it is a good idea to list your ideas roughly first."
Purpose/reason for the campaign: To promote the website I have previously created to gain viewers/ interest in the cause.
Audience: People who are interesting in buying a horse/ already have their own/ already have an interest in animals in some form. Both male and female and virtually any age group but mainly adults as the website considers fees/costs and other factors.
Message: Inform the audience of the website through stating it is there due to the equine crisis.
Tone-of-voice: serious and somewhat shocking, persuasive and perhaps using direct address such as "you".
Format: Printed format due to the brief's restrictions. The use of a A4 poster (not too large) for notice boards. Small A5 flyers to hand out and also more direct and straight to the point information in the form of a business card. Could possibly think about how the artwork I create could go across other materials which don't use digital printing methods. A billboard for example would not be suitable because the information is meant for a niche audience and perhaps would not appeal to everyone.
materials: Paper/ card stock due to digitally printing. However materials could be used if I further wanted to screen print designs.
budget: Because these would only be in small runs I can afford to create something which is highly coloured. However if this were to be created in real life I would screen print the designs using brown papers.
placement / distribution: Posters and flyers placed in public areas which would be of use such as pet shops to appeal to those who already have animals. Veterinary surgeries for the same reasons. They could also be placed in horse riding schools to promote the website to the parents of the children taking lessons when they ask questions about having their own.
must do's and must not's: must include the logo and the website, keep the colours consistent with the website and across all the printed material. Must create a slogan which will be fitting of the message. Must not use any disturbing images or anything too shocking much like a large majority of charity based campaigns. Must not use colours which are not fitting with the existing colour scheme.
time-frame: From the 3rd December until the 12th (break for christmas)
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