I thoroughly enjoyed this module as it has allowed me to take on briefs that are relevant to my own interests. I tried to take on a wide range of different briefs which has been challenging in parts but I am pleased with my final outcomes. This module has allowed me to take part in two YCN briefs which were a brilliant opportunity to create work for larger companies. The J20 brief was difficult because they wanted to include green so instead of completely following their guidelines I explained why I changed certain elements to offer something slightly different which I believe is more affective for an adult target audience who want a mature and sophisticated colour palette.
The water is life brief was also enjoyable to complete as a smaller brief as this is something which relates to my own interests in charity and design for change/good. Within all of these briefs I have tried to work on making my design look more professional both in the making and the quality of printing too. This seems to have worked quite well as I have uploaded work to Behance and gained positive feedback and 'appreciation's' from others.
The penguin book cover competition was a self satisfying brief as it allowed me to create artwork for a children's book based on my own interpretation of the story. Through my research into book covers this will help me further with the next module as one of the briefs is based on book design for an exhibition. I found the collaborative brief particularly challenging because I felt our approaches to design are completely different, next time I complete a collaborative project I would like to work with someone from Illustration (Sophie Wright- possibly) as we have already discussed how this would be a good idea as we would compliment each other well. I feel as though working with others who have different skill sets other than graphic design will enhance my own knowledge and this is something to bear in mind in the future.
In previous projects I have gained positive feedback about my illustrative and slightly 'quirky' style that I seem to be creating with each brief, this is something which I have tried to work on throughout this module as with each brief there is some form of hand rendered element to it. Through doing this my drawing ability seems to have improved through practise and whenever possible and appropriate in future briefs I will continue to use traditional approaches as well as adobe suite software. My drawing ability was particularly tested during the Feathr and Secret 7 brief as I didn't use type for either of them and type is normally used to enhance the meaning or messages of the imagery so therefore I had to work hard on ensuring the illustrations were correct and cleanly drawn. Within all of this module but especially the penguin, water is life and secret 7 brief I have heavily focused on concepts before designing anything and this has definitely proven to help focus my mind on relevant design choices which link to these concepts.
If I had more time I would like to of taken on a couple more briefs perhaps tackling branding for others as this is not something I am confident or experienced with and is definitely something I need to work on to ensure I am able to confidently execute designs for a range of different purposes. For this module I mainly worked with competition briefs but as said previously as well as branding it would be progressive to also work with someone to write them a brief of what they need instead of just being given a brief to work with.
The water is life brief was also enjoyable to complete as a smaller brief as this is something which relates to my own interests in charity and design for change/good. Within all of these briefs I have tried to work on making my design look more professional both in the making and the quality of printing too. This seems to have worked quite well as I have uploaded work to Behance and gained positive feedback and 'appreciation's' from others.
The penguin book cover competition was a self satisfying brief as it allowed me to create artwork for a children's book based on my own interpretation of the story. Through my research into book covers this will help me further with the next module as one of the briefs is based on book design for an exhibition. I found the collaborative brief particularly challenging because I felt our approaches to design are completely different, next time I complete a collaborative project I would like to work with someone from Illustration (Sophie Wright- possibly) as we have already discussed how this would be a good idea as we would compliment each other well. I feel as though working with others who have different skill sets other than graphic design will enhance my own knowledge and this is something to bear in mind in the future.
In previous projects I have gained positive feedback about my illustrative and slightly 'quirky' style that I seem to be creating with each brief, this is something which I have tried to work on throughout this module as with each brief there is some form of hand rendered element to it. Through doing this my drawing ability seems to have improved through practise and whenever possible and appropriate in future briefs I will continue to use traditional approaches as well as adobe suite software. My drawing ability was particularly tested during the Feathr and Secret 7 brief as I didn't use type for either of them and type is normally used to enhance the meaning or messages of the imagery so therefore I had to work hard on ensuring the illustrations were correct and cleanly drawn. Within all of this module but especially the penguin, water is life and secret 7 brief I have heavily focused on concepts before designing anything and this has definitely proven to help focus my mind on relevant design choices which link to these concepts.
If I had more time I would like to of taken on a couple more briefs perhaps tackling branding for others as this is not something I am confident or experienced with and is definitely something I need to work on to ensure I am able to confidently execute designs for a range of different purposes. For this module I mainly worked with competition briefs but as said previously as well as branding it would be progressive to also work with someone to write them a brief of what they need instead of just being given a brief to work with.
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