Added the structure of the website by using percentages. This quite simple and I am slowly finding coding much easier than I first anticipated. Dreamweaver as a piece of software is actually quite helpful for novice coders. From starting with a blank page it is interesting to see the elements slowly being added which makes it appear similar to my mock ups.
To make the page responsive (i.e, change to mobile format).
I used a media query that I researched by using the website w3 schools who teach about coding. When I add content I will need to experiment with the sizes of the page to make the content suitable for mobile.
To make the links white and hover blue with mouse and also add the image behind:
The list of links for navigation:
Creating the div's for the three separate sections on the page:
This will make it easier to add my content now I have three separate div's.
The logo in the centre of the page is simply too large and the headings down the side are too far up and therefore this means I need to make the logo smaller and the links move down slightly.
By adding <br /> this adds a small gap for the image and therefore means it will line up with the links. Which looks far better than the logo being too far up the website.
By adding padding to the top of the navigation bar it easily lines up with the logo. Which as you can see looks far better than the previous image.
However I am not entirely happy with the aesthetic of the homepage (index) as it looks quite empty and unfinished, so therefore I am going to revert back to my designs and see how I can develop this perhaps with some form of background.
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