Wednesday, 26 November 2014

OUGD504: Brief 4

Brief 4:

make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.

Your task is to produce a print-based advertising campaign across at least 3 print-based advertising deliverables (e.g. poster, flyer, billboard, etc.) to accompany your 'A brief history of...' website that features an (or some) element(s) of digital interactivity. There are several methods, platforms and technologies available that can be exploited in providing interactive elements to print media therefore it is important that you research these thoroughly in order to develop an effective augmented design.

In order to produce an effective advertisement you must consider carefully factors such as:
printing method and cost

During the planning stages of this project you will show that you have considered each of these factors through a project rationale.

Your advertisements will be print-based with your deliverable outcomes printed to a high standard. It is expected that you are to adequately prepare your design work for a commercial print eventuality - this process should be documented on your Blog.

The ubiquitous nature of digital technology and web access means that having a web and/or digital presence is essential for businesses and organisations. That being said, print media is a proven and everlasting method of communication and marketing. Therefore, businesses and organisations are seeking creative and exciting ways of marrying the two. This is an emerging area of design that breaks down assumed barriers between print and screen-based design and presents many opportunities for creative design strategies.

As this is an advertising brief that focusses on production factors in advertising design it is expected that you will commit to significant research into advertising methods and strategies as well as current trends.

Special considerations must be made to the potential and limitations of production methods used in the creation and distribution of advertising media.

Digital technologies present their own set of unique issues and obstacles which can make or break a creative augmented design project. Therefore you must show that you have considered potential issues and thoroughly tested your work in context.

On-going research, experiments and decision-making must be documented in your design practice blog.

Your advertisements will be print-based therefore you must make special considerations in regards to print processes, cost, quantity and adequately preparing your design work for this.

You must show evidence of an understanding and appreciation of emerging strategies and technologies in augmented design and interactive print whilst also being aware of its limitations.

Correct labelling of your work on your blog is essential. Failure to organise your work clearly will affect the assessment of your work.

Your project must be summarised and presented neatly and coherently on design boards.

Digital design work suitably prepared for commercial print.

Final advertisement outcomes printed to a high standard.

Evidence of research into augmented design and interactive print.

500 word evaluation

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