Wednesday, 8 October 2014

OUGD504: Brief 2- Possible Ideas

Possible projects to take forward

Quirkie Kids

From looking at a range of different projects on the kickstarted website the concept of this brand really stood out to me as it is quite different to most children's clothing companies. They challenge the idea that pink is just for girls in society, historically pink was a masculine colour because it is bold it was seen as powerful and thus baby boys wore pink. 

The products themselves are actually good quality which include fun and non gender specific illustrations on t-shirts with bright pink and also a pale pink for baby grows. However the branding used really does not support the concept of the products and they don't seem to have a set logo which could really help them but as I must stay with the brand's name which currently exists I don't want to pursue this idea as they appear to have spelt quirky as "quirkie" which grammatically bothers me. 

Fellow Dreamers

Fellow Dreamers a luxury sustainable loungewear and lingerie label based in London and fairly made in India. I loved the idea when I looked at the video they uploaded as they create jobs for talented textile workers in India (Uttar Pradesh). In the area that they live it hard for them to find work so this project allows them to have a job that they love and for them to fully explore their talents through creating beautiful clothing.

The photography that they have used brilliantly matches the whole aura of the name however I think the logo type that they have used isn't used on the video but only on the website and I also think that it is quite stereotypically feminine. The logo itself I feel could include more indian influences as the project seems to centre around this idea of creating jobs for women who are suffering from poverty and from the imagery alone you don't get that aura at all. However they already seem quite far along with their project so I'm going to pick a different one which appeals to me. 

LoveCraft Brewing Company

 This is the final idea that I really liked the look of as they were passionate about the beers they had made and the products looked incredibly good. The couple Tasha and Jesse have worked in breweries in the area for over seven years and have lots of experience with products but want to create their own. 

They are a family run company who want to start their own brewery along with a tap/ tasting room but need the funds to buy equipment. They want to create a farmhouse style brewery which "celebrates historical and modern styles alike". They state that they take inspiration from France and Belgium when creating beers and they have listed a few options that they want to create with the money raised in 2015. 

Location: Kitsap County Washington

"Jesse graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in History. He decided its best application would be the brewing of historical beer styles. Working his way up from the very bottom, Jesse found himself learning the basics in the cellar and eventually brewing. With a background in history and years of hard training, he dreams of opening a family brewery which celebrates historical and modern styles alike."

The products themselves are clearly well thought through and are representative of the countries they have taken inspiration from. They want to accentuate the beauty of the brew and create "an experience in a glass". Their beers are clearly quite personal to them and the imagery they have created simply doesn't match it at all. 

They have tried to use a 1920's style font within some of the posters which simply doesn't match the logo at all but I can see why they have tried to create something looking historic as they have done a history degree. 

The fonts within the posters are completely illegible as they don't follow the conventions of typical letterforms and I'm sure that they did not intend for the names of their crafted beers to be illegible for their audience. The logo I feel doesn't generally represent the company and the use of font make it look somewhat similar to the Metallica logo or a similar rock band with the first and last letter larger in scale. 

This company I feel would really benefit by the creation of a new logo and ideas of a brand identity as it will help them to market their ideas especially when they talk about future plans of wanting to have their drinks in local restaurants and bars but also 22 ounce bottles in supermarkets. They want to combine the taste of their drinks with an atmosphere and I feel that their enthusiasm about their product isn't shown to its full potential within its logo and identity as a brand. They also want to appeal to a female audience to create a small club where women can meet and discuss the craft of beers and create an environment where they feel comfortable to be a part of the industry as breweries and beer production is still seen as quite a masculine drink and industry. 

Logo Requirements task 1:
 The logo I create for this company will need to reflect their personality more than their current identity. The logo will need to work on several different formats so therefore it would be fitting for the logo to be black and white in colour to be put onto different backgrounds. The logo also needs to appeal to women as well as men due to the fact that Love Craft are trying to appeal to a wider audience. When creating the logo I need to take into consideration the fact that it must portray their quirky attitude and progressive forward thinking creativity in terms of the craft of their beers, the word craft is a really important aspect to portray as a brand. The logo also needs to be simple and not too long in length to allow it to be placed in different contexts. 

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